CustomKit r1 (See the current copy)

Deprecated, but still useful at times

CustomKit is a web interface to build one-off Tclkits with certain extensions embedded in it. It's usually the wrong approach to development, but can be useful in certain occasions.

The best approach for development most of the time is to fetch the extensions your application uses from Teapot using teapot-client (part of Teaparty).

Example Makefile using the best approach and not using CustomKit:

 BINS = testapp-linux-x86 testapp-solaris-sparc
 EXTENSIONS = pki pki::pkcs11

 all: $(BINS)

 testapp-%: testapp.vfs/main.tcl testapp.vfs/testapp.tcl
        rm -rf testapp.vfs/lib
        teapot-client get testapp.vfs $(shell echo "$@" | sed 's@^testapp-@@;s@-@ @g') $(EXTENSIONS)
        starkit2exe testapp.vfs "$@" $(shell echo "$@" | sed 's@^testapp-@@')
        rm -rf testapp.vfs/lib