4577521 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/old/tcl]$ ls -am
./, ../, chopfile, chopfile.cd, chopfile.drew, chopstock.tcl, dyndns-client.tcl, dyndns-server.tcl, pppchange.tcl
4577522 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/old/tcl]$

chopfile is an example file for `chopstock.tcl.'
chopstock.tcl is a Tcl script I wrote to determine the best way to chop multiple pieces of fixed length material (linear material usage analysis).
pppchange.tcl is a Tcl script I wrote to email you when your PPP IP changes.
     -- Roy Keene [20081225T0525R] webmaster@rkeene.org
last modified: 2001-05-30 14:50:00