4597262 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi/rivet-tcl]$ cat -n load_cookies.tcl
   1: proc load_cookies {{arrayName cookies}} {
   2:     upvar 1 $arrayName cookies
   4:     set HTTP_COOKIE [env HTTP_COOKIE]
   6:     foreach pair [split $HTTP_COOKIE ";"] {
   7: 	set pair [split [string trim $pair] "="]
   8: 	set key [lindex $pair 0]
   9: 	set value [lindex $pair 1]
  10: 	set cookies($key) [list $value]
  11:     }
  12: }
4597263 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi/rivet-tcl]$

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last modified: 2005-09-20 19:12:47