4597324 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi/rivet-tcl]$ cat -n debug.tcl
   1: ###
   2: ## debug ?-option value? ?-option value?...
   3: ##    A command to make debugging more convenient.  Print strings, arrays
   4: ##    and the values of variables as specified by the arguments.
   5: ##
   6: ##    Also allows the setting of an array called debug which will pick up
   7: ##    options for all debug commands.
   8: ##
   9: ##    We create this command in the ::request namespace because we want the
  10: ##    user to be able to use the debug array without actually having to set
  11: ##    it at the global level.
  12: ##
  13: ##    Options:
  14: ##	-subst <on|off> - Each word should be considered a variable and subst'd.
  15: ##	-separator <string> - A text string that goes between each variable.
  16: ##	-ip <ip address> - A list of IP addresses to display to.
  17: ###
  19: proc debug {args} {
  20:     ## If they've turned off debugging, we don't do anything.
  21:     if {[info exists ::RivetUserConf(Debug)] && !$::RivetUserConf(Debug)} {
  22: 	return
  23:     }
  25:     ## We want to save the REMOTE_ADDR for any subsequent calls to debug.
  26:     if {![info exists ::RivetUserConf(REMOTE_ADDR)]} {
  27: 	set REMOTE_ADDR [env REMOTE_ADDR]
  28: 	set ::RivetUserConf(REMOTE_ADDR) $REMOTE_ADDR
  29:     }
  32:     ## Set some defaults for the options.
  33:     set data(subst) 0
  34:     set data(separator) <br>
  36:     ## Check RivetUserConf for globally set options.
  37:     if {[info exists ::RivetUserConf(DebugIp)]} {
  38: 	set data(ip) $::RivetUserConf(DebugIp)
  39:     }
  40:     if {[info exists ::RivetUserConf(DebugSubst)]} {
  41: 	set data(subst) $::RivetUserConf(DebugSubst)
  42:     }
  43:     if {[info exists ::RivetUserConf(DebugSeparator)]} {
  44: 	set data(separator) $::RivetUserConf(DebugSeparator)
  45:     }
  47:     import_keyvalue_pairs data $args
  49:     if {[info exists data(ip)]} {
  50: 	set can_see 0
  51: 	foreach ip $data(ip) {
  52: 	    if {[string match $data(ip)* $::RivetUserConf(REMOTE_ADDR)]} {
  53: 		set can_see 1
  54: 		break
  55: 	    }
  56: 	}
  57: 	if {!$can_see} { return }
  58:     }
  60:     if {[string tolower $data(subst)] != "on"} {
  61: 	html [join $data(args)]
  62: 	return
  63:     }
  65:     set lastWasArray 0
  66:     foreach varName $data(args) {
  67: 	upvar $varName var
  68: 	if {[array exists var]} {
  69: 	    parray $varName
  70: 	    set lastWasArray 1
  71: 	} elseif {[info exists var]} {
  72: 	    if {!$lastWasArray} {
  73: 		html $data(separator)
  74: 	    }
  75: 	    html $var
  76: 	    set lastWasArray 0
  77: 	} else {
  78: 	    if {!$lastWasArray} {
  79: 		html $data(separator)
  80: 	    }
  81: 	    html $varName
  82: 	    set lastWasArray 0
  83: 	}
  84:     }
  85: }
4597325 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi/rivet-tcl]$

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