4583446 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi]$ cat -n init.tcl
   1: # Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
   3: # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   4: # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   5: # You may obtain a copy of the License at
   7: #	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   9: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  10: # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  11: # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  12: # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  13: # limitations under the License.
  15: package provide RivetTcl 1.1
  17: namespace eval ::Rivet {
  19:     ###
  20:     ## This routine gets called each time a new request comes in.
  21:     ## It sets up the request namespace and creates a global command
  22:     ## to replace the default global.  This ensures that when a user
  23:     ## uses global variables, they're actually contained within the
  24:     ## namespace.  So, everything gets deleted when the request is finished.
  25:     ###
  26:     proc initialize_request {} {
  27: 	catch { namespace delete ::request }
  29: 	namespace eval ::request { }
  31: 	proc ::request::global {args} {
  32: 	    foreach arg $args {
  33: 		uplevel "::global ::request::$arg"
  34: 	    }
  35: 	}
  36:     }
  38:     ###
  39:     ## The default error handler for Rivet.  Any time a page runs into an
  40:     ## error, this routine will be called to handle the error information.
  41:     ## If an ErrorScript has been specified, this routine will not be called.
  42:     ###
  43:     proc handle_error {} {
  44: 	global errorInfo
  45: 	global errorOutbuf
  47: 	puts <PRE>
  48: 	puts "<HR>$errorInfo<HR>"
  49: 	puts "<P><B>OUTPUT BUFFER:</B></P>"
  50: 	puts $errorOutbuf
  51: 	puts </PRE>
  52:     }
  54:     ###
  55:     ## This routine gets called each time a request is finished.  Any kind
  56:     ## of special cleanup can be placed here.
  57:     ###
  58:     proc cleanup_request {} {
  59:     }
  61:     ###
  62:     ## The main initialization procedure for Rivet.
  63:     ###
  64:     proc init {} {
  65: 	global auto_path
  66: 	global server
  68: 	## Add the rivet-tcl directory to Tcl's auto search path.
  69: 	## We insert it at the head of the list because we want any of
  70: 	## our procs named the same as Tcl's procs to be overridden.
  71: 	## Example: parray
  72: 	set tclpath [file join [file dirname [info script]] rivet-tcl]
  73: 	set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 $tclpath]
  75: 	## Add the packages directory to the auto_path.
  76: 	## If we have a packages$tcl_version directory
  77: 	## (IE: packages8.3, packages8.4) append that as well.
  78: 	set pkgpath [file join [file dirname [info script]] packages]
  79: 	lappend auto_path $pkgpath
  80: 	lappend auto_path ${pkgpath}-local
  82: 	if { [file exists ${pkgpath}$::tcl_version] } {
  83: 	    lappend auto_path ${pkgpath}$::tcl_version
  84: 	}
  86: 	## This will allow users to create proc libraries and tclIndex files
  87: 	## in the local directory that can be autoloaded.
  88: 	lappend auto_path .
  89:     }
  91: } ;## namespace eval ::Rivet
  93: ## Initialize Rivet.
  94: ::Rivet::init
4583447 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/rivet-cgi]$

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last modified: 2004-02-24 10:24:32