4593912 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$ cat wxWidgets.txt
# SHORT DESC: Cross Platform GUI Toolkit
# LONG DESC: wxWidgets (formerly wxWindows) is a cross platform GUI toolkit. wxWidgets gives you a single, easy-to-use API for writing GUI applications on mu ltiple platforms. Link with the appropriate library for your platform (Windows/Unix/Mac, others coming shortly) and compiler (almost any popular C++ compiler), and your application will adopt the look and feel appropriate to that platform.  On top of great GUI functionality, wxWidgets gives you: online help, network programming, streams, clipboard and drag and drop, multithreading, image loading and saving in a variety of popular formats, database support, HTML viewing and printing, and much much more.

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libdir="$libdir" || exit 1
while true; do
	make && break

	if tail -n 50 BUILD_LOG.TXT | grep 'error: cast from .void.. to .guint. loses precision' >/dev/null; then
		echo '*** Attempt to compile failed, attempting lame fix-up #1'

		tail -n 50 BUILD_LOG.TXT | grep 'error: cast from .void.. to .guint. loses precision' | sed 's@^\([^:]*\):.*$@\1@' | while read fixupfilename; do

			sed 's@GPOINTER_TO_UINT *(\([^)]*\))@((unsigned long long) (\1))@' "${fixupfilename}" > "${fixupfilename}.new"
			cat "${fixupfilename}.new" > "${fixupfilename}"



	if [ ! -e ERROR_HANDLED ]; then
		exit 1

make install || exit 1
4593913 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$

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last modified: 2012-05-07 00:52:06