4601128 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$ cat graphviz.txt
# SHORT DESC: Graph Generation Tool
# LONG DESC: Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. It has several main graph layout programs. It has web interactive graphical interfaces, and auxiliary tools, libraries, and language bindings.  The Graphviz layout programs take descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in several useful formats such as images and SVG for web pages, Postscript for inclusion in PDF or other documents; or display in an interactive graph browser. Graphviz also supports GXL, an XML dialect.  Graphviz has many useful features for concrete diagrams, such as options for colors, fonts, tabular node layouts, line styles, hyperlinks, and custom shapes. 

cp /usr/share/swig/*/ocaml/swig.mli /usr/share/swig/*/ocaml/swig.ml tclpkg/gv/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir="${libdir}" --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var && \
make && \
make install || exit 1
4601129 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$

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last modified: 2012-05-07 00:52:06