4601535 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$ cat cairo.txt

# IGNORE: slackware-13.0
# IGNORE: slackware-13.1
# IGNORE: slackware-13.2
# IGNORE: slackware-14.0
# IGNORE: slackware64-13.0
# IGNORE: slackware64-13.1
# IGNORE: slackware64-13.2
# IGNORE: slackware64-14.0

# SHORT DESC: Cairo Graphics System
# LONG DESC: Cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output. Currently available backends include the X Window System, OpenGL (via [WWW]glitz), Quartz, win32, in-memory image buffers, PNG images, PostScript, and PDF files. Some of these backends are still experimental. Cairo is designed to produce identical output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension or OpenGL).

# IGNORE: slackware-12.0

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libdir="$libdir" && \
make && \
make install || exit 1
4601536 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/build]$

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last modified: 2012-05-07 00:38:46