4581066 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/reverse-utils]$ cat -n rdatapipe.tcl
   1: #!/usr/bin/tcl
   2: # Do we enable debugging? (genenerally a bad idea)
   3: set DEBUG 0
   5: # What port should we use as the control port (must be the same on
   6: # rdatapipe)?
   7: set controlport 4500
   9: #############################################################################
  10: #############################################################################
  11: #############################################################################
  12: # This is my mess. ##########################################################
  13: #############################################################################
  16: set dataport [lindex $argv 1]
  17: set clientlist [lindex $argv 0]
  18: set remotehost [lindex $argv 2]
  19: if {$clientlist==""} { puts "Usage:\n\t$argv0 <local-port> \[<remote-prot> \[<remote-host>\] \]"; exit }
  20: if {$dataport==""} { set dataport $clientlist }
  21: if {$remotehost==""} { set remotehost }
  22: if {!$DEBUG} {
  23:   if {[fork]!=0} { exit }
  24: }
  27: # Background errors, blah.
  28: proc bgerror {error} { puts "Error: $error"; return }
  31: # When the rdatapiped server contacts us, store its file descriptor.
  32: proc HaveControl {s a p} {
  33:   global controlId DEBUG
  34:   set controlId $s
  35:   fileevent $s readable "checkcontrol $s"
  36:   if {$DEBUG} { puts "Have control" }
  37: }
  39: # When we get a connection from a client, communicate with
  40: # rdatapiped and setup the pipes
  41: proc HaveConnection {s a p} {
  42:   global dataport controlId ForwardTable DEBUG remotehost
  43:   random seed [expr abs([clock clicks])]
  44:   if {[fork]!=0} { 
  45:     wait
  46:     close $s; return 
  47:   }
  48:   if {[fork]!=0} { exit }
  49:   set listport [expr [random 60000]+2048]
  50:   set r [socket -server HaveFinalConnect $listport]
  51:   set ForwardTable($listport) "$s $r"
  52:   puts $controlId "datapipe $dataport $listport $remotehost"
  53:   flush $controlId
  54: }
  56: proc HaveFinalConnect {s a p} {
  57:   global ForwardTable perm
  58:   set wrk $ForwardTable([lindex [fconfigure $s -sockname] 2])
  59:   set src [lindex $wrk 0]
  60:   set dest $s
  61:   fileevent $src readable "datapipe $src $dest"
  62:   fileevent $dest readable "datapipe $dest $src"
  63:   vwait perm
  64:   catch { 
  65:     flush $src
  66:     close $src 
  67:     fileevent $src readable ""
  69:     puts "Closing $src"
  70:   }
  71:   catch {
  72:     flush $dest
  73:     close $dest
  74:     fileevent $dest readable ""
  75:     puts "Closing $dest"
  76:   }
  77:   exit
  78: }
  80: proc datapipe {src dest} {
  81:   global perm DEBUG
  82:   fconfigure $src -blocking 0 -translation binary
  83:   fconfigure $dest -translation binary
  84:   set check 0
  85:   set ln ""
  86:   catch { set ln [read $src] }
  87:   puts -nonewline $dest $ln
  88:   flush $dest
  89:   if {$DEBUG} { puts -nonewline "$ln"; flush stdout }
  90:   if {[eof $src] || [eof $dest]} {
  91:     if {$DEBUG} { puts "\[$src ,  $dest\] Dead" }
  92:     catch { close $src }
  93:     catch { close $dest }
  94:     set perm 1
  95:   }
  96: }
  99: proc checkcontrol {sockId} {
 100:   global controlport controlList controlId
 101:   gets $sockId ln
 102:   if {$ln!=""} { return }
 103:   fileevent $sockId readable ""
 104:   close $sockId
 105:   set controlList [socket -server HaveControl $controlport]
 106:   vwait controlId
 107:   close $controlList 
 108: }
 111: proc SendKeepAlive {} {
 112:   global controlId DEBUG
 113:   alarm 30
 114:   catch {
 115:     puts  $controlId "keepalive"
 116:     flush $controlId
 117:   }
 118:   if {$DEBUG} { puts "Sending keepalive" }
 119: }
 122: set controlList [socket -server HaveControl $controlport]
 123: vwait controlId
 124: signal trap SIGALRM SendKeepAlive
 125: alarm 30
 126: close $controlList
 127: socket -server HaveConnection $clientlist
 128: vwait forever

rdatapipe.tcl is the client (unfirewalled) side of rdatapipe.
4581067 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/reverse-utils]$

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