4580691 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/mooselinux-0.0.19]$ cat -n todo.sh
 1 #!/bin/sh
 3 TODOFILE=minidist.txt
 5 if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
 6     OPT="-e @"
 7 fi
 9 while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
10     case "$1" in 
11         -p)
12             OPT="$OPT -e %"
13             ;;
14         -t)
15             OPT="$OPT -e @"
16             ;;
17         -i)
18             OPT="$OPT -e \^"
19             ;;
20         -f)
21             OPT="$OPT -e #"
22             ;;
23         -h)
24             echo "Usage:"
25             echo "$0 [-p] [-t] [-f] [-h]"
26             echo -e "  -p\tDisplay paritally completed commands"
27             echo -e "  -t\tDisplay unstarted commands"
28             echo -e "  -f\tDisplay fully completed commands"
29             echo -e "  -i\tDisplay started but dsyfunctional commands"
30             echo -e "  -h\tDisplay this help screen"
31             exit
32             ;;
33     esac
34     shift
35 done
36 if [ "$OPT" = "" ]; then
37     exit
38 fi
39 grep -v "\!" $TODOFILE | grep $OPT | cut -c 2-1000 | sort | cat -n
4580692 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/mooselinux-0.0.19]$

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last modified: 2000-04-29 03:41:41