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HTTP Time Protocol (HTP)home»

HTP: HTTP Time Protocol

IntroductionThe solution: htpDownload (Perl)Development (C)

HTP in C

The C version no longer steps in time, but slews (smooth adjust) the time. Htpdate can set/adjust the time offset within -0.5s and +0.5s (or better if multiple web servers are used as time source).
Htpdate can run as a daemon, so the time always stays in sync. The poll interval will be determined automatically, depending on the systematic drift of the computer clock. Look at the manpage for all htpdate options.

After 0.1 came out, Roy Keene took over most of the development of the C version. Because of multiple platform support, extended configuration options, documentation, the code has become longer and more complex.

I started all over again with htpdate, using my own version 0.1 as basis, for a new implementation using the "Keep It Simple" principle. The code has only been tested on Linux and FreeBSD, but should work on other Unix systems also...

Don't hesitate to report a bug or request a feature.

Source tarball and RPMS
Version 0.7.2 - Code cleanup (see CHANGES).


All (historical) versions can be found in the archive directory

A full featured (including authenticating proxy and SSL support) version, written in Perl is available on the download page.

mail Eddy Vervest
4591944 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/htp/mirror]$

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last modified: 2005-05-31 20:51:51