4581494 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/dact]$ cat ChangeLog
                                 DACT 0.8.37

Release information:
  pkg:  DACT version 0.8.37
  url:  http://www.rkeene.org/files/oss/dact/dact-0.8.37.tar.gz
  web:  http://www.rkeene.org/oss/dact/
  date: Sun Apr  4 01:01:44 CST 2004

 * Moved LZO-* out of DEBUG.

 * Started maintaining DACT again, version 0.8.31 released.

 * Added `-E' option to use with encryption
 * Added cipher subsystem
 * Added cipher_chaos.c  (Chaos cipher)

 * Added message to be displayed when upgrading DACT (with -N)
 * Added config option `block_size'

 * Added URL parsing support.
 * Added `-p' option to display the result of parsed URL.
 * Added `-N' option to upgrade DACT.

 * Added URL support.
 * Added `-H' option to write only the header of a DACT file.
 * Added extended header support.
 * Added `-n' option to ignore CRCs.
 * Added `-I' option to use only a specific algorithm and 0.
 * Added `-U' option to specify a file that contains a list of URLs.
 * Added `-u' option to specify an URL to download copy of real data.
 * Added `-D' option to specify a file description.
 * Added `-O' option to toggle the writing of original file name.
 * Added hooks for native `bunzip2' and `gunzip' handling.
 * Lots of bug fixes.
 * Version is 0.7.0.

 * Fixed bug with newer libbz2's (from Glenn McGrath <bug1@optushome.com.au>)
 * Changed comp_bzlib to 900k block (from Glenn McGrath <bug1@optushome.com.au>)
 * Added support for -C option, and decompression checking.
 * Version is 0.6.6

 * Fixed bugs in configure script
 * Fixed bugs in dact_blk_compress() (possibly causing heap corruption)
 * Changed magic number to be less likely to occur in a text file
 * Version is 0.6.5

 * Rewrote dact.c.
 * Made lots of changes to sort.[ch].
 * Decided to keep current algorithms system.
 * Changed magic number location in file to offset=0.
 * Completely dropped support for old DACT files.
 * New dact.c main(...) functions really similarily to `gzip.'
 * Using GNU configure stuffs.
 * comp_range and comp_mzlib2 are not enabled, they broke.
 * Block size limit is (theoretically) 4GB.
 * Changed structure of DACT file and block header.
 * The -C option doesn't work.
 * DACT doesn't check for a new binary (making a user dact-upgrade.sh
   pointless at the moment, but this will be fixed. )
 * Version is 0.6.1.
 * Began using CVS to break things more quickly.
 * Several misc bug fixes.

 * Added modules !
 * Converted all stable algorithms to modularizbale form.
 * Now uses a config file (/etc/dact.conf)
 * CHECK_VERSION is defined by default now (but disabled in dact.conf)
 * comp_mzlib2 works now.
 * Added a '-m' option to specify a config file.
 * update-version.sh renamed to dact-upgrade.sh and installed by `make install'

 * Added precompiled binaries, and a script to automatically upgrade.
 * Added Docs/helpfile.txt  which needs to be turned into a manpage.

 * Added "Bugs" and "Horror Stories" to README.
 * Fixed 2 bugs in comp_text.c.
 * Added Docs/  directory.
 * Changed CHECKSUM to MD5SUM
 * A VERSION now exists and is consulted to check for latest, use
   --with-check-version  option on configure script to enable.

 * Added backward compatability to <= 0.4.2.
 * Fixed patch to magic file.
 * Modified configuration scripts to work under more conditions.
 * Preliminary testing of endian-neutrality.
 * comp_mzlib2 modified, and almost works.
 * int_sort_fast() modified to be even faster.
 * Added path options to configure options.
 * Created an installation guide, INSTALL.
 * Added MD5 Checksum file, CHECKSUM.

 * Added preliminary support for endian-neutrality (UNTESTED!)
 * Added magic number, offset, and size.
 * Added patch to magic file.

 * Added getopt(3) support.
 * Added '-l' option.
 * Added '-s' option.
 * Changed archive name to dact-VER.
 * int_sort_really_fast added to sort.c.
 * Added '-e' option.
 * Fixed configure script to work with Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8) (but not 7).
 * Some bugs were possibly fixed and created.
 * Added variable block size support.
 * Default block size is now 4088 bytes (Max is 16384).
 * Default output is to INFILE.dct instead of stdout.

 * Fixed several memory leaks.
 * Added bzlib.h check in configure for later use.
 * Added int_sort_really_fast to buffer.[ch]

 * comp_snibble.[ch] added as algo #6
 * comp_range.[ch] added as algo #7

 * comp_range_compress working (hopefully).
 * comp_range_decompress partially working.
 * int_sort_fast added to sort.c.
 * byte_buffer_* added to buffer.c.
 * configure script was modified.
 * comp_mzlib2 was removed from algorithms.h, to be readded as algo #8.
 * Added `-c' option and compression verification.

 * comp_range was modified to begin to get it to work
 * Modifications to configure script
 * comp_mzlib2 was started
 * Added sort.[ch] by Daniel Vignes (dvignes@n-f-d.com)

 * Configure no longer relies on sed
 * Binary filename changed from 'compress' to 'dact.'
 * Toby Collier (tcollier@n-f-d.com) begins
   handling documentation and Changelog.

 * Name changed from DCL to DACT.
 * New algorithms added.
 * Bugs fixed.

 * Initial release as DCL by Roy Keene (dact@rkeene.org)

4581495 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/dact]$

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last modified: 2004-04-04 07:06:20