4579410 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/cdplay-0.3.7]$ cat -n random.c
 1 /*
 2     Some of this comes from the TCL 8.0 unix/tclUnixTime.c:TclpGetClicks
 3 */
 5 #include <time.h>
 6 #include <stdlib.h>
 7 #include <unistd.h>
 8 #ifdef GLIBC2
 9 #include <sys/time.h>
10 #endif
12 /*
13     Program to run to get some randomness
14 */
15 #ifndef USE_CPU
16 #define USE_CPU "/bin/false"
17 #endif
19 unsigned long GetClicks(void) {
20     unsigned long now;
21 #ifdef NO_GETTOD
22     struct tms dummy;
23     now = (unsigned long) times(&dummy);
24 #else
25     struct timeval date;
26     struct timezone tz;
27     gettimeofday(&date, &tz);
28     now = date.tv_sec*1000000 + date.tv_usec;
29 #endif /* NO_GETTOD */
30     return now;
31 }
33 /* 
34     Max is the highest value you want to be returned
35     returns a number between 0 and max that is virtually really random
36 */
38 unsigned long generate_random_number(unsigned long max) {
39   unsigned long tmp1;
40   unsigned long startt,endt, ourrand;
41   startt=GetClicks();
42   system(USE_CPU);
43   endt=GetClicks();
44   srand(endt-startt);
45   tmp1=(getpid()*((endt-startt)+1))^rand();
46 #ifndef GO32
47   srand48(tmp1);
48   ourrand=lrand48() % (max+1);
49 #else
50   rand(tmp1);
51   ourrand=rand() % (max+1);
52 #endif
53   return (ourrand);
54 }
4579411 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/devel/cdplay-0.3.7]$

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